Baby's Development Chart
Age in Months What babies are able to understand & appreciate!
Mental and Movement skills
Newborn - 1 month Soothing Music - High contrast patterns and faces - Will cry if over or under stimulated. Will be alert for every one in ten hours.
1 - 2 Months Soothing Music - Visual stimulation - Follows sounds and objects
2 - 3 Months Recognises faces and sounds - Plays with hands and feet - ability to grasp objects is developing - likes high contrast images
3 - 4 Months Starts to explore by taste - follows moving objects - able to bear some weight on legs - teething starts
4 - 5 Months Shows interest in bright colors - Starts to show preferences - Grips and moves objects
5 - 6 Months Able to concentrate on one toy at a time - can roll over
6 - 7 Months Starts to understand what to do with various toys and items. Can shake a rattle or other toys - Responds to himself in a mirror - rolls in both directions
7 - 8 Months Realises that an object may be behind something - loves playing peek-a-boo - sits independently - reaches out for objects - tries to crawl
8 - 9 Months Starts to crawl and explore - Understands the concept of building objects - moves an item from one hand to the other - starts to imitate sounds
9 - 10 Months Understanding some language phrases - starts to build, stack and disassemble toys - points - stands with some support
10 - 11 Months Understanding of language and words continue - starts to build, stack and disassemble toys - able to pick up smaller items - walks holding on to furniture - likes to play hand games
11 - 12 Months Understanding of words increases - able to climb - enjoys and initiates play with others
Baby's Development Chart
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